Sunday, October 2, 2016


New at this blogging thing, but I want to use this medium to log my journey through an illness for which there is no cure.  I want to share my honest thoughts, feelings, struggles, lessons learned, amazements, and wonder at God's doings.

For now, suffice it to say thank-you for reading and sharing this journey with me.  I do not know the paths it will take me down, but I do know where it will eventually lead - HOME!!   = )   ~ Joy~


  1. Love you, my sweet friend. Can't wait for you to share your thoughts.

  2. So glad you are doing this! I will be following!! Linda S.

  3. I'm happy to follow you, Joy! I look forward to your posts and will pray for you as you blog your journey home.

  4. So happy to be able to follow your journey, Joy! I'm so happybtonhave had you in my life, and to see what youre going through and be a part of it will be an honor. :) Take care!

  5. I'm following and, as always, lifting you in prayer!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. You have always been a blessing to me and my family, dear Sister in Christ! I look forward to following this. <3 Kathi M.

  8. Thank you so much for your courage to do this. You know that when my time comes to make this journey I will definitely be thinking of you my sister.

  9. Although we don't know each other, I want to follow your blog. I'm from Mr. Sterling. Will be praying for you also.

  10. Although we don't know each other, I want to follow your blog. I'm from Mr. Sterling. Will be praying for you also.
